20 Feb Men’s League

Men’s League
2024 Thursday Men’s Nights
Based on feedback from the past couple of years, the 2024 Thursday Men’s League format has been freshened up to provide some spirited competition, while retaining a format that is open for all skill levels. The 2024 league play is set to tentatively start Thursday May 9 th , with a Men’s League Kick-off feature event. 12 regular league play days will run with weekly and season long cumulative points totals on Thursdays playing May 16, 23 & 30th, June 13, 20 th & 27 th , July 11, 18 & 25th and August 8, 15 & 22nd.
Feature Men’s League events will be held on May 9th , June 6th, July 4th and August 1st where monthly winners from the previous month will be awarded. A league wrap-up feature event will be held on Thursday August 29th , where the cumulative points winners from the 10 best of 12 league play results will be awarded. Thursday Men’s League will have blocked tee times for registered members between 2:30 & 4:30held for Men’s League participant play. Men’s League play outside the block of tee times is permitted anytime on Thursdays, with 3 or more registered participants playing in the group. Weekly and season-long cumulative points rankings for all registered members will be issued on a weekly basis.
League play will be a modified Stableford format, using 75% of handicap index to determine each weekly handicap. June league play will be based off participant’s Golf Canada handicap index as of May 1 st . June, July and August handicap indexes will be calculated based on participant’s cumulative weekly league scores from each Thursday of regular league play. Participant registration will be opened up April 1 st .Weekly Stableford points results will be awarded to the 1 st , 2 nd & 3 rd place weekly finishers. A season long points play will run the 12 league play nights using the best10 best scores from regular league play, concluding with awarding the 2024 Countryview Men’s League Champion.
Combination Tees (Black/White) will be played for Men’s participants.
Combination Tees (White/Gold) will be played for Super Senior participants.
A 1-time entry fee of $20 (add hole in one pot $30) cash will confirm player registration (May 2nd & 9th) Collected by Men’s night committee in the Pro Shop. Once registered you will become a league player for Thursdays and will have private access two weeks out for Men’s Night tee times.
*Nightly $10 Entry can be purchased on Thursdays from the app or website under member leagues, please do not purchase before then!
Total points for the best 10 weekly scores from the 12 weeks of regular league play will be awarded as
Men’s League Total points Leader
2nd place points
3rd place points
4th place points
5th place points
A $10 weekly entry registration online from our app for weekly Stableford ($5) and Gift Card ($5) door draw.
Weekly buy-in will entitle participants to the following:
Weekly Stableford points paying out 1st , 2nd and 3 rd place.
Door draw.
Thank you and see you on the first tee!